Sunday 19 June 2011

DC and Philli

Not a lot of exciting news to report this time round! Have spent the last 5 or so days in Washington DC and Philadelphia where we have immersed ourselves in all things US history themed. Stayed in a disgusting hostel in DC but at least it was in a cool area – Adam’s Morgan. Great food – tried Ethiopian our first night, I had the Kitfo or raw beef mince with spices, Yum! And for the next couple of days just visited all your favourites – the White House, Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument… Reflecting pool was a disappointment (see photo below), seems Washington is a gorgeous city but absolutely everything was under construction while we were there. Did see a Congress party taking place in the White House’ backyard though so that kinda made up for it. Found the mothership of all Whole Foods and took it upon ourselves to sample everything for dinner one night, amazing, hope it’s in the UK by now! Apart from eating we did visit a lot of Museums including the Holocaust Memorial Museum (very touching), Air and Space Museum, Natural History Museum and American History Museum, all for free – thanks US tax payer.

Onto Philadelphia, the first capital of the US and home of the Philly Cheesesteak! Here we learnt even more Declaration of Independence and Constitution history. Again, beautiful city and has about a million statues/memorials of/to old George – most popular American of all time (well of course because you keep putting statues of him everywhere and his face is on that pesky $1 bill that makes you look rich with a wad of cash but actually no). Visited the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall (signing of Independence and Constitution), the steps Rocky runs up (Museum of Art), Ben Franklin’s Grave, JFK square with the LOVE sign (photo below) and the Mutter Museum – by far my fav museum to date. This freaky little number had all things weird and wonderful from 1800’s medicine. Gangrene limbs, Siamese twins, TB ridden intestine, small pox and cancer ridden body parts, cross sections of every part of the human body, skulls and skeletons a plenty, you name it, it was there – no photo’s though unfortunately so I picked up a little fact for you… Scrotum cancer is an occupational hazard of chimney sweeps. It didn’t go into detail so I’m not sure how.
On our way to Montreal where we are sure to fill up on more culinary delights, thankfully I’ve run more in the last 6 weeks than I have in the last 6 years. Au Revoir xx

Capitol Building

Me at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

The White House

Barack and Michelle's Vege Garden

Washington Monument

The Reflecting Pool - not doing a lot of reflecting

 It's not so secret when you paint the name of it down your car...

Michelle's Inauguration Gown

Ruby Slippers from the Wizard of Oz - American History Museum

Spirit of St Louis, Charles Lindbergh's plane (the child that studied this in school came out in me!)

Rocky! (In Philli now)

What and where Benjamin Franklin's House used to be

The Liberty Bell 

The room where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed including George Washington's Sun Chair bang smack in the middle up the front there

Love love love - JFK Square

City Hall Phili

Me posing on the giant dominoes

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