Wednesday 3 October 2012

High Tatra's - Slovakia

 Having heard about this stellar little place called The Ginger Monkey in Zdiar, Slovakia from several people during the week, I decided that was where I needed to head next. Catching the train at stupid o'clock was well worth it once I arrived – sunshine! And lots of it! I had big hopes of arriving at this place high in the Tatra mountains and doing nothing for the afternoon except chilling out, out of a city, writing for all you lot to read with a gorgeous mountainous backdrop. Suffice to say, I was definitely not disappointed.

The following day the weather was not looking good – rain! So much for our plans of a seven hour hike across the saddle... I'd begged, stolen and borrowed shoes, socks, pants and a jacket (as hiking in the mountains was not on the original agenda) and because I only had the one day here was determined to head out regardless. Brecht and I disappointingly heeded everyone's warnings and decided against the biggest walk, choosing a shorter one instead. Once embarked on this however, we still had our sights set on heading up rather than around the mountains. About two hours in and with clear skies (well, it hadn't rained since we'd left the hostel and wasn't forecast to for the rest of the day anyway) we gleefully discovered that we could switch routes and continue with our initial plans for the big hike. With our renewed mission in mind we set off towards the snow. Unfortunately we knew that altitude rather than spectacular vista's was going to be the only thing gained today but every now and then the cloud cover would shift and we were rewarded with some stunning scenery. Photo's below.

Seven hours later we arrived back to the Ginger Monkey – hungry and thirsty we cooked up dinner and washed it down with wine, beer, and Tatratea while wearing onesies until the wee hours of the following morning. I had high hopes this morning of getting up stupidly early (again) and heading to Bratislava for the day. This was quashed by the partying the night before and also the continued lure of the mountains for just a few more hours. I took Wally the dog for a walk and lazed around before deciding to completely flag Bratislava and head straight to Vienna instead.

Gorgeous day and gorgeous view

And then the cloud came...

Me with the cloud - but 1933m up.

And sometimes the cloud would shift

Onesies - they should make a come back.

Wally Dogstar

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