Thursday 28 July 2011

America at a glance

So in a nutshell here is our trip across America: I thought I would wrap it up for you since I now seem to be living in the real world...

States visited(in order of appearance): California, Nevada, Washington, British Columbia (Canada), Illinois, Tennessee, Louisiana, District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, Quebec (Canada), Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey.

States seen from a far: Vermont and Alaska.

States set foot on but not actually spent any time in but am going to claim as having visited: Arizona, Oregon, Arkansas, Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, Delaware, Maryland, Connecticut, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia

Pizza count: unsure as too many slices had whilst mildly intoxicated.

Burger count: the ratio of burger to day ratio decreased as we left California – home of In and Out burger.

Overall, too much pizza and too many burgers to count on my hands and feet. Surprisingly though:

Kilo’s lost: 2. Boom! But that may be due to:

Kilometer’s walked: At a conservative guess I would average 20 per day.

Famous people seen: Grant Bowler of Outrageous Fortune fame… Aimee and Scotty also saw Hunter from Shortland Street – so we are really glad we travelled to the land of the rich and famous and saw NZ celebs. We also saw Jay Leno and Steven Tyler but it doesn’t really count when you go to his show!

Quotes: anything from Trent from Punchey, The Castle and Scary Movie 2 - After 10days in London Aimee has finally located this movie (we have been searching for it since San Francisco). 
“Girl you love life. I love your zest for life.” – this little gem has been borrowed from a friend of a friend of Scotty and Aimee’s on facebook and has proven very flexible in its use. 
“Gas. Brake. Honk” – thanks Homer: describes all American’s attitudes towards driving. 
“Dollar dollar bill y’all” – I think this comes from a song? And is about all we ever seemed to have in our wallets – in great wads. 
“Coz it’s your dog” – those familiar with the movie Road Trip should get this and it basically means “oh I got it! ”
And I am personally going to introduce “caaj yog” (casual jog) into mainstream vocabulary (even though I hate it when words are shortened!).

Worst hostel: Sorry D.C but Washington International Student Center does not get our vote. Thanks go to Steve for helping sort it all out in the end but yick. However, this could have been beaten by Big Apple Hostel in New York but we didn’t get the chance to stay there – after booking this hostel months before we left as we were staying over 4th July weekend, I got an email two weeks prior to our arrival that said our reservation had been cancelled because the city had shut them down – awesome.

Best hostel: Green tortoise in San Francisco, great social hub, and even in spite of the banshee on our final night I would definitely recommend this for anyone heading to San Fran. India House in New Orleans, again great social hub and it had a pool – that’s what we like in 40 degree weather – street car right outside the door that takes 10mins to get to Bourbon St. And La Maison du Patriote in Montreal gets a mention too because it was just so damn cute.

So that was it, our journey was over. Many friends made, many laughs had, many drinks consumed, many cuisines sampled and many thousands of miles travelled. No fights, no flights or rides missed, nothing stolen, no money left and sadly no more America – for now…

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