Sunday 8 May 2011


After a slighty stressful beginning to our trip – the fog in Auckland caused Scotty’s flight from New Plymouth to be cancelled, only for him to, through some minor miracle, get booked on a new one just in time – we departed Auckland LAX bound.
The Banana Bungalow has played host to us while we have been star spotting here in Hollywood. We went exploring the famous Farmers Market on the corner of Fairfax and 3rd, great little spot for authentic cuisine and in behind the markets is The Grove – some flashy shopping which our budgets don’t stretch to. We managed to get into the Jay Leno show featuring Steven Tyler so look that episode up and see if you can spot us in the crowd.
Kicked off our first Friday night in style with a par-tay here at the Banana Bungalow, free keg included, and then a stretch hummer picked us up to take us to a club in H town. The start to the day on Saturday was a bit slow but we managed to get our tourist hats on and jump in a van for sightseeing of the stars homes after a spot of Hooters for lunch.
After polishing off another bottle of $3.99 wine we hit a gay bar last night with near-naked greasy men swinging from the rafters with dollar bills stuffed in and around their crotch. The tequila shots weren’t really shots rather a lot of tequila just poured into a glass, hard to drink in one gulp!!
Slow start again to the day today but we spent a few hours at the Getty Centre and then (window) shopped on Rodeo Drive.  Have just been down to our favourite farmers market again for dinner, unfortunately it was closed so went to a diner instead. Burger count is getting high.
Americans are nice so far!! Even the bus driver who called us all sweetie as we got on the bus and then proceeded to drive the entire trip with her hand on the horn. That’s the other thing, they loooove their car horns, if anyone even looks like they are going to brake about 8 horns go HONK. Free entertainment.
I have found my dream supermarket – Whole Foods – it sells purely organic food and everything is divine, it also has the $3.99 wine so that might help it in the rankings. We have also joined forces with a couple of aussie guys and tomorrow we head off to San Fran with them – I think I’ve volunteered to drive part of the trip so that will be interesting, or alarming!
Til next time… xx

1 comment:

  1. Oh and sorry, I'm not sure how to add photo's just yet but will make sure some are up soon!!
