Sunday 29 May 2011

Canada, eh.

Been a while since the last update! Hired a car and drove back to LA where we spent a few days just relaxing at Venice Beach near Santa Monica in LA. Wandering up and down the boulevard, having huge margarita’s and all you can eat sliders (mini burgers) in at a little place we found on the Promenade. Hired another car one day and went down to San Diego via Laguna Beach and the Pacific Coast Highway. 

That night we waved good bye to our Aussie buddies and then sat on a train to Seattle for 32 hours – not as bad as we thought it would be! We spent just the night in Seattle before moving on to Vancouver for the rest of the week. Stayed with Aimee’s Aunty and Uncle in North Vancouver who were extremely generous and showed us around all the Van has to offer. We became enthusiastic band wagon Ice Hockey fans and cheered the Canucks on in their victory to enter the Stanley Cup – we now have 4 more games to watch in order to see them win (for the first time since ’94). 

Visited Totem Poles and Hollow Trees in Stanley Park, caught the ferry across to Vancouver Island to catch up with Chris and partied the night away before returning feeling slightly seedy, thanks 2L of cider. Sampled Salmon Jerky at Granville Island and drove up to Whistler to bask in the carefree atmosphere of the mountain life – mentally planning a big trip back there already! Get fit week in Vancouver very quickly turned into get fat week with a night out to all you can eat sushi and another round of huge burrito’s, this time at a place called Raglans in Lonsdale Quay. We also enjoyed our first Poutine experience – fries cover in gravy and cheese – amazing, just when I thought the diet was looking up!! 

Burger count = ~25. Pizza slice count = ~20. Run count = 2. Hmmmm.  

We are back to Seattle now before heading to Chicago then making our way back down south. Go Canucks Go!

Santa Monica Pier


Dolphins in Victoria, Vancouver Island

Vancouver city at night from Stanley Park

Shannon Falls between Whistler and Vancouver

We decided we need more photo's with us in them - look out point over North Vancouver and Lion's Gate Bridge

Climbing the Hollow Tree

Vancouver and Me

Manky Racoon - possibly (but probably not) the one that ran away after our taxi ran it over the night before

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