Wednesday 11 May 2011

When you're going to San Francisco...

I completely forgot to write about the highlight, or lowlight, of our last day in LA – the brilliant machine when I was buying my metro ticket decided to give me my 14 dollars of change in quarters. So in amongst a hundred or so people in a bustling metro in the middle of Hollywood it sounds like I’ve won big time at the pokies for about 30 seconds while everyone stops and looks at me and the machine spits out quarters – very impractical and heavy!! I win! First up LA photos from the last blog...

Scotty outside the Farmers Market.

Token photo of the Stars House tour - Beckingham Palace.

That's where I want to be..

Shaking hands with Arnie

Walk of Fame!

Aimee and Katie standing under this thing to apparently get famous

At the Getty Centre

I wanted to take this MASSIVE couch, looked soooo comfy.

Rodeo Drive Baby

So we left LA on Monday morning, went to the airport and picked up our sah-weet ride, Dodge Charger, rearranged the boot about 6 times to fit our five suitcases in and then stuffed the rest of the car with the five of us. Got the Navman sorted and away we went. Drive was long and stunning and the Navman was the NavBitch by the time we got to San Fran but we made it!  We were to leave the tank as empty of gas as possible and the car wasn’t due back until the following morning so with a quarter tank of gas still we cruised the streets of San Fran for a few hours: number one on the list was of course crossing the golden gate, drove to a spot to get a beautiful view of the city, stopped by the Full House house to visit the Tanners and the rest of the gang, that was after going to “the address mentioned in Full House as 1882 Girard St”, a number that doesn’t exist – thanks NavBitch – on a street that does and was on the other side of town in the middle of the ghetto (if only we’d read the second sentence on Wikipedia) where we drove by a 4 police cars in the middle of a raid. Stopped by the Party of Five pad and corner of Haight and Ashbury too and just had a general nose around. Staying at the Green Tortoise-great hostel, free food (breakfast every day and dinner three nights a week) and great location.

Woke on Tuesday morning to a parking ticket on the car, who knew they street cleaned at 4am and fined you for it if you parked in the way. Went to Alcatraz Island first thing and had a look around and learnt all of the history (it was a fort and an army base before the prison and then home to American Indians for 18months before becoming the most popular tourist attraction in SF). Beautiful, cold and scary place, very well worth the visit! Wandered the streets of down town and sat in Union Square and had a beer in the afternoon with a spot of shopping to round things off. Thai dinner, Mexican beer and Salsa dancing in the evening until the early morning!
Today (Wednesday) we were told by one of Aimee’s friends to head to 16th and Mission which we did and ended up in the middle of the Latino ghetto, very eye opening but we had the best and biggest burrito in the world for lunch – it’s now 6 hours later and I still don’t want dinner yet. We then decided to head back to the Full House house and Haight and Ashbury corner in the daylight, and coincidentally walked past the US Mint (where they make all US coins) on the way. Then a visit to the world’s crookedest street before heading home for some much needed legs up time, I think we’ve walked close to 30km today!! Not ideal in jeans and jandals – I need a beer! Ciao

Dodge Charger


Cells - 5 feet by 9 feet each. Tiny.

The view from Alcatraz - so the prisoners knew what they were missing on the outside.

Alcatraz Island

United States Mint

Full House from Alamo Park.

Speaks for itself...

World's Crookedest Street

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