Monday 16 May 2011

San Francisco - Part Two

At the moment I’m sitting in LAX again in transit to Vegas!!! We’ve had a very busy last few days in San Fran, on Wednesday night we headed out to the Castro (gay district) to party (very briefly) before heading back into town to a club. After a slow start, we headed to Pier 39 for some clam chowder and sourdough from the place it all began – Boudins (apparently). Then we tackled the bridge, we hired bikes and cycled our little hearts out for about 4hours, stopping every 20 or so minutes for sunscreen reapplication – it was a stunning day. We finally arrived in a gorgeous little town over the other side of the bridge – Sausalito and relaxed there before taking the ferry back across the harbour where we took some more snaps of the bridge and Alcatraz, as if 200 of each wasn’t enough already…  I went for another giant walk through town to get some photos in at Union Square before heading home to get ready for another night on the town. Our wolfpack was starting to grow extremely large by this night and we had aussies, kiwis, scots, brits, americans and safa’s along for the ride to a club that had a slide to drop down into it – coolness.

By Friday we thought we’d pretty much covered off all tourist spots in San Fran so jumped on a train to go and have a nosey at the Berkeley Campus where we sat on the grass like token students – I’m pretty sure we didn’t fit in as the conversation wasn’t very intellectual (think Scary Movie 2 quotes, JenJen).  After that I’d been told about Irish Coffee’s at the Buena Vista pub down by Fishermans wharf so two of us jumped off the tube and headed towards there. However, we got sidetracked several times along the way – the first was at an Oxygen bar on the Pier where we got in these machines that gave you a massage using water pressure, that was interesting – great massage but super loud! Then for some pure oxygen up the nose, infused with things like peppermint and vanilla for different energizing purposes – it must have worked because I certainly felt alive after that, although that also could have been because the guy electrocuted me about 6 times with the stupid electric contact pads for some muscle relaxation until I told him that if I wanted electric shocks I could just go home and grab a fence and to take it off me and leave me alone – he didn’t get a tip. We left there and wandered around to watch the seals at the wharf either laze or fight – great free entertainment again! Some acrobatic street performers were the next stop – they did get a tip because they were awesome. And finally it was onto the coffees – well I had a Bloody Mary which was full of vodka but tasted divine. We got the best seat in the house and chatted to the bartender while he made the coffees full of sugar, tullamore dew and cream. He said they make about 2000 of these coffees a day, going through about 200 bottles of the whiskey. There seemed to be a very messy art to making them with coffee and whiskey going everywhere! We got home, enjoyed free dinner night again watched the Hangover to get in the mood for Vegas and had a quiet Friday night until some guy woke us up screaming like a banshee for about 45minutes in the middle of the night, I think he is in jail now.

So, sorry for the excess of photos showing Alcatraz, the golden gate and the city skyline, we’ve had a blast in SF, it is a beautiful funky city that is well worth the visit if you get the chance. Vegas baby!!! xx

Cycling the bridge


Half way across the Golden Gate

Berkeley Clock Tower

Yum - clam chowder in sourdough bowl

Hearts in Union Square

Obligatory bridge pose

Seals fighting and sleeping

Thumbs up across America

1 comment:

  1. Kaite I LOVE this...we went to heaps of those places in Dec..I super love San Fran xx
